10 Supernatural Storylines That Made Absolutely No Sense

No Sense Or Nonsense?

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In the vast universe of supernatural TV shows, stories often bend the rules of reality to deliver thrilling, spine-chilling, or heart-pounding moments. But sometimes, these fantastical tales take such wild turns that even the most dedicated fans are left scratching their heads. Here are ten supernatural storylines that made absolutely no sense, leaving us bewildered, amused, and sometimes, a bit frustrated.

1. The Never-Ending Apocalypse in “Supernatural”

The long-running series “Supernatural” has given us numerous apocalyptic scenarios, but none more perplexing than the never-ending cycle of apocalypses. After thwarting the apocalypse in Season 5, the Winchester brothers faced yet another world-ending threat almost every season. From Leviathans to God’s sister, Amara, to God himself turning against humanity, each new threat somehow managed to outdo the last. The frequent world-ending events started to lose their impact, leaving fans wondering how many apocalypses one world could endure.

2. The Instant Vampire Cure in “The Vampire Diaries”

“The Vampire Diaries” introduced a plethora of supernatural elements, but the instant vampire cure storyline took the cake. Throughout the series, becoming a vampire was portrayed as an irreversible condition. Yet, in the final season, the show introduced a magical serum that could instantly cure vampirism. This cure, which was suddenly crucial to the plot, conveniently appeared just when it was needed most, making fans question its believability and the series’ internal logic.

3. The Werepanther Plotline in “True Blood”

“True Blood” was known for its bizarre supernatural creatures, but the werepanther storyline was particularly baffling. In Season 4, Jason Stackhouse was kidnapped and turned into a werepanther through a ritual that involved repeated attacks. Despite the show’s previous lore that established were-animals were born, not made, this storyline was awkwardly shoehorned in and then quickly forgotten. The inconsistency with established rules left fans confused and disappointed.

4. The Possessed Teddy Bear in “Supernatural”

In another bizarre twist from “Supernatural,” the episode “Wishful Thinking” introduced a depressed, alcoholic teddy bear brought to life by a child’s wish. While the show often played with dark humor, this storyline stretched the limits of even its most absurd plots. The bear’s existential crisis, attempting suicide with a shotgun, and its general nihilistic demeanor, while entertaining, left viewers questioning what they had just witnessed.

5. Buffy’s Random Sister in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”

Season 5 of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” introduced Dawn Summers, Buffy’s younger sister, out of nowhere. Prior to this, Buffy had never mentioned a sister. Dawn was revealed to be a mystical key transformed into a human and inserted into Buffy’s life with fabricated memories. While the storyline eventually made sense within the season’s narrative, the abruptness of Dawn’s introduction without any prior foreshadowing confused fans and disrupted the show’s established continuity.

6. The Amnesia Potion in “Charmed”

“Charmed” had its fair share of magical mishaps, but the amnesia potion in Season 6 was particularly head-scratching. Piper Halliwell loses her memory due to a spell, and instead of being a quick fix, this leads to an extended arc of confusion and conflict. Despite the existence of numerous counter-spells and potions throughout the series that could have easily solved this problem, the show dragged out the storyline unnecessarily, leaving fans wondering why the solution was so complicated.

7. The Witch-Powered Computer in “Sabrina the Teenage Witch”

“Sabrina the Teenage Witch” often combined the mundane with the magical, but one episode where Sabrina’s aunts use a magic computer to control real-life events took this to a new level. When a virus infects the computer, chaos ensues in both the digital and real worlds. The idea that a virus could have real-world magical effects seemed far-fetched even for this whimsical show, leaving viewers baffled at the bizarre blending of technology and magic.

8. The Time Travel Conundrum in “The Flash”

Time travel is always a tricky narrative device, but “The Flash” took it to confusing heights. Barry Allen, the titular hero, constantly altered timelines to save loved ones or change events, creating paradoxes and alternative realities. The show’s inconsistent rules about time travel — where sometimes small changes had huge impacts and other times, major alterations seemed inconsequential — left fans struggling to keep track of the convoluted plot.

9. The Aliens in “The X-Files”

While “The X-Files” is synonymous with supernatural and extraterrestrial phenomena, the series’ mythology around aliens became increasingly convoluted. What began as a clear narrative about alien abductions and government conspiracies morphed into a tangled web of half-truths, double-crosses, and inexplicable events. By the end, even the most dedicated fans were left confused by the numerous retcons and contradictory explanations, leaving the alien storyline feeling more like a supernatural enigma than a coherent plot.

10. The Black Smoke Monster in “Lost”

“Lost” was a show built on mysteries, but the black smoke monster remains one of its most perplexing elements. Initially introduced as a malevolent force with mysterious powers, it was later revealed to be a manifestation of the Man in Black, the show’s main antagonist. Despite various explanations throughout the series, the smoke monster’s true nature, powers, and motivations were never fully clarified, leaving fans with more questions than answers.

These storylines, while sometimes bewildering, are a testament to the creativity and unpredictability of supernatural TV shows. Even when they don’t make sense, they keep us talking, theorizing, and coming back for more. After all, in the world of the supernatural, sometimes the strangest stories are the most unforgettable

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